Wednesday, February 07, 2007


Secret Rendition, Bush's America and the Truth About Pro-Death/Pro-Life

Dear All,

It seems that 60 countries signed on to an agreement/treaty that they will not disappear people. But the USA was not one of them, Bush wouldn't allow it. Of course he would not allow it because America is the country most guilty of these disappearances of human beings. America should have been among the first to sign such a treaty. But since Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft, Yoo and Gonzales are the very ones at the center of those who are doing the secret disappearances Bush refused.

America has descended into hell, now it is official once again. Bush admitted he was doing these secret disappearances last fall aand this is another proof of that fact. America and it's current gov't have become a corrupt country. Secret disappearances and deadly torture.

America has become a dictator country because secret disappearances of human beings is exactly what dictators do and have always done. America is now in a group of nations/people like the Nazis, Russia and China. And aren't we just proud of that. NOT, totally ashamed is the truth of the matter.

Some other European also did not sign on to the treaty because they are participating with Bush in the secret rendition policy. This includes Italy where the Vatican is located.

Thanks Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI for what you have done to America. You are corrupted and you have helped the Republican Party drag America down to your level, down to hell.

So much for the Catholic religion and it's leaders. So much for Bishop Richard G. Lennon of the Cleveland Diocese, just another willing participant in this abomination between the catholic church and the Bush Rethug government of thugs and bullies. Denial of human rights is something the Popes can add to their list of sins. It is now totally understandable how the Catholic Church and Popes Pius XI and XII could support Hitler and the Nazi Party. Satan has come home to roost in the decay of the Catholic Church.

Religious agression in America has reached an all time high from the Catholic Church and the rest of the Pro-Lifers who now confirm themselves as nothing but Pro-Death of human rights and human beings. The so called Pro-Life movement is up to it's nose in Pro-Slime as it represents the dregs of America. You so called Pro-Lifers in your support of George W. Bush and the Republican Party reveal yourselves to be what you truly are minions of the evil one.

I now have to believe that St. Malachy's Prophecy of Popes which predicts the end of the papacy must be near at hand.

Monday, February 05, 2007


R U Selling Your Childrens Future?

Dear All,

Bush and the repubs want to privatize everything that the Federal government now does. Thay are starting with Social Security and Medicare, as we have seen, and they will not let go of their agenda until they accomplishit. So I ask, you do you really want Halliburton, Bechtel, Parsons, the Carlyle Group and all the other repub for profit egregiously self serving corporations to control your Social Security or your Medicare. The answer is quite obvious.

The reason they put forth for doing this privatization is that business can do it more efficiently and therefore do it cheaper. But is that really true. No, it is not, as we all have seen the huge debacle in Iraq caused by these private contractors, who answer to no one as they are not under congressional control. Bush will spend America broke and thus force us into using even more private contractors.

Even our military is being outsourced. Bush, Cheney and the repubs are dedicated to only one thing Big Business because that is the source of their money which is what gives them the political power they are desparate for. They are getting away with it because most americans are apathetic and do not pay attention to politics. That, my friends is the very reason why every voter must declare themselves 'Independant', as I did. No political partry should ever take your vote for granted by assuming that because you register for one party or the other that they are guaranteed your vote. The repubs are and have been doing that because they know they can depend on the Catholic and white southern Baptist vote, no matter what they do. These two religions have been corrupted by their own blind desires for political power which they beloeve they will get from the rethug party.

I rant and rail against the republican party because they are the worst of the worst. But, and here is the big BUT, there is not a huge difference between politicians of either party because they all depend on MONEY from the private sector which now especially under the republican party controls our America. The Oil Industry writes our oil/energy laws and policy, while Big Pharma writes our Medicare Part D laws and policy. They own us , plain and simple; and the cure for this is equally plain and simple but neither party, especially not the repubs who benefit the most, has the will or the courage to change this system. If it is to be changed 'we the people' will have to do it, and if we wait to long we will soon become so powerless that we will not be able to make the necessary changes.

Also two religions own us, the Catholic Church, my church and the white southern confederate states Baptists. Both of these religions have sold themselves and their principles to the REPUBLICAN PARTY. I explain all of this in many previous posts, so read them for more detailed explanations. These religions have sold their principles and their religion for political power. They are no longer religions at all, now they are nothing more than political organizations masquerading as religions. No religion should ever support any political party, it should only stand up for certain select issues. But since Pope John Paul II became pope he changed all of that, he gave America to Ronald Reagan, then Bush41 and now for the last six years he gave us Bush43 with all the death and corruption 43 has caused.

And I am stunned that Pope John Paul II is being fast tracked by the Vatican/Pope Benedict XVI to be named a saint of the Catholic Church. It is almost unbelievable and yet at the same time reveals clearly where the mindset of the Vatican is at. The Pope who politicised the Catholic Church should just slip quietly in obscurity not be up for sainthood. The Catholic Church under Popes Pius XI and XII endorsed and supported Hitler and the Nazi Party, could there be anyone who would ever consider that either of these two popes should be considered for sainthood. Just consider the enormous amount of damage and destruction both these popes were not only party to, but were directly responsible for.

And the present and previous popes are equally guilty for selling Catholicism to the republican party. Just consider the huge amount of support Pope Benedict XVI gave to the Repub party when he spoke so disrespectfully about the Islamic religion. Common, ordinary, everday manners dictate respect for the religion of every other human being on this planet. But it seems that the pope has no such ordinary respect for other human beings or their religion's.

I have been reading "The Daily Muslim Wisdom", from beliefnet for the past almost six years and have found it to be a beautiful religion which is so similar to Catholicism that I was startled and amazed that anyone let alone the pope od the catholic church would say anything against it. And I am still stunned and amazed, Islam is a beautiful religion and has much to teah all of us about how to live and be better people and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and the laws of God. Islam is an Abrahamaic religion, as are Judaism and Catholicism and Protestantism.

I have a strong sense that these events will bring about the demise or borderline demise of America and the Catholic Church, whereby both of these entities will be nearly crippled and either die or function at totally corrupt or borderline corrupt levels.

Both the Catholic and white southern Baptist religions are being USED by the repub party, and I believe they know it and have given themselves over to being USED for some promise of political power to change America into their own image and likeness, into a country they want us to become, namely, "A Totalitarian Republican Theocracy", to quote my self.

What these religions may not realize is that they are being promised these things just for the votes they can and will deliver to the republican party, which is by far the more corrupt of the two political parties in America because the repubs are dedicated to nothing more than corporate profits, world power and maintaining their own lifestyle and their own political power, first, last, and foremost.

It is easy to see that Bush, Cheney and the repubs lie constantly, and they are lying to those religions. It will one day become quite clear to most americans who are willing to pay attention that when the repubs are faced with a choice between doing what is right and what is profitable they will always choose whatever is profitable. However by then it just may be to late for 'we the people' to correct the problem, just as we are right now to late to correct the debacle in Iraq.

The next debacle of repub-Bush-Cheney aggression, though masked as their efforts to protect Israel but really are nothing more than using military aggression againsat other Middle East countries for their oil. One would think the aforementioned religions and the good people of Israel would be able to see thru this facade of obfuscation, this fog of repub politics. And I believe the Israeli people may have seen thru it as they have made clear demands that they want a fair and lasting peace in the ME. But unfortunately, their gov't listens to them as much as the Bush rethug gov't listens to 'we the people' of America which is to say, not at all.

The MSM covers for and helps create the 'Fog of Politics' so that unless one digs below the surface the 'Fog' obscures almost everything that the american people need to kn0ow to make rational decisions when they enter the voting booth. And of course corrupt comapnies like Diebold and ES&S along with HAVA are taking away our votes because they cause voting corruption.

As much as I liked Justice Bryer and O'Connor, who now admit the hate they are getting is coming from the religious right(Catholics and white southern Baptist FUNDIES) they are too late in revealing this. I lost almost all respect for the SCOTUS when Reagan was prez. and now under Bush I have absolutely no respect left for the Catholic Republican SCOTUS. Most Catholics do what the pope wants them to do. Which is exactly what Scalia, Thomas, Roberts and Aliuto will do on the big issues. Unless the last two Dems on the SCOTUS can hang on for another two years and assuming America does not end up with another Repub prez a Dem prez can put some far less biased people on the SCOTUS. If that does not happen then the SCOTUS will become, not almost useless as it is now, but it will become totally useless. I have no mercy for the SCOTUS as they have proven to be totally rethuglikkkan and all rethugs are dedicated to themselves and their wealth above all else, no mattere the cost in lives or treasure.

I wrote an email to our local catholic bishop in December, 2005 or January, 2006 asking him to please request that the pope stop forcing his agenda on America because it/he was dividing, polarizing, fracturing and quite possibly destroying America by forming american politics and policy, both foreign and domestic. About a month later the pope issued a letter denying what I said. So either the pope is unaware of what he is doing or just outright lying, and I think he is fully aware of what he is doing. So it is safe to say that the Pope is a Republican even though he is not a citizen of the use and as such he is quite obviously still controlling american politics and policy, both foreign and domestic.

Since the pope is absolutely certain he KNOWS THE MIND OF GOD(which, of course he does not as only God knows his mind) and is acting upon that mindset the pope has proven himself to be committing the sin of PRIDE. The cure or anitdote for the sin of PRIDE is the virtue of HUMILITY and the pope has shown none of this elst he would never have spoken so disrespectfully of the Islamic religion. In addition that mindset, shared by the white southern Baptists, is sacrilege, heresy and blasphemy. So the pope has joined the republicans and gone over to the 'darkside' and taken the catholic church with him.

As I have said before I can see that St. Malachy's Prophecy of the Popes could happen. He prophecied that the papacy would end, either under Pope Benedict XVI or under the next pope. Any religion or any pope that sells himself and his religion for political power seems to be doomed or at the very least quite irrelevant and corrupt.

Given that the aforementioned continue on their chosen path anyone who adheres to their mindset is truly selling their childrens future.

I see very little hope for the future of America and no hope for peace in the ME. The only possibility is that hopefully someday the american people, we the ordinary, everyday, average little people engage in a citizens civil revolution and take back our gov't. At that time we must expel divisive forces in America like the two religions and the unlimited power of the corporatocracy and that of the wealthy.

Finally, radical evangelical FUNDAMENTALISM, whether it be Catholic, Protestant or Islamic is bad for people. The concept that Islamic Fundamentalism is bad while the other two are good is totally WRONG. All three are anathema to God and His laws.

It is said that satan will make sweet promises to entice people to follow him and Bush, Cheney and the Rethugs have done exactly that. They promise security, prosperity and religion but those are promises they cannot keep or guarantee in any way. Only God can make promises like that, and He has not. He gave us all Free Will, so that we may choose...

And if that does not work let us take to the streets and take back our country from the wealthy and the corporatocracy, because this war is entirely about them and nothing else.

Saturday, February 03, 2007


Enlightenment, Pecuniary Motives or Preparing The Base

Dear All,

Gov. Rick Perry, another of so many corrupt republican Texass politicians(Cornyn, Barton and DeLay either became enlightened or... what exactly. Perry just issued an exectuve order that girls in the ages of 12-19 get the new Gardasil vaccine from Merck, I think thats what it's called. This vaccinates young girls from getting the cancer causing Human Papilloma Virus. Which is a good thing, another step forward in medical science and sure to make the lives of women safer from those kinds of cancer while at the same time making a lot of money for Merck the manufacturer of the drug and which has had a very dismal year having it's profits down by 58%. A classic win-win situation. But...

As usual the radical religious right wing absolutist, evangelical FUNDAMENTALISTS are angry. They are always angry about something when they don't get their way and are not able to force, aka evangelize the rest of us, which means they are not able to force their beliefs upon everyone else, such as their beliefs that Gay people are and will be damned and doomed, women seeking abortion and Muslims are damned and doomed by themselves and God. Of course they know this with 100% certanity because they and only they KNOW THE MIND OF GOD.

These white southern baptists and their staunch allies the catholics THINK THEY KNOW THE MIND OF GOD and will strip everyone else of their rights due to that belief which is sacrilege, heresy, blasphemy and the cardinal sin of PRIDE. "And the worst of these is PRIDE..."

As a result of their direct line with God, through George Bush no doubt as he claims to be Jesus Christ and chosen by God. These christo-fascists do not want this drug to be marketed for anyone because it will make young girls engage in sexual activity. If they want to preach that in their own churchs and follow those beliefs that is fine with me and at the same time keep their beliefs to themselves and let other parents make their own best decisions for their daughters.

The premise underlying their belief is specious at least and totally wrong at worst. Personally I think they are all crazy. If I ahd a daughter I would want her medically protected as much as possible.

These are the same people who don't believe in Global Warming because Jesus Christ Bush their savior, to whom they pray in their Jesus Camps has declared, repeatedly that their is no such thing as Global Warming because his advisor, the novelist says so. Also Bush's cronies in the oil business and in the Bush Family oil business say their is no such thing as Global Warming and we are not destroying the planet by using their oil products. It is these very same people along with Pope John Paul II who put Reagan in office and he then abolished all of Pres. Carters energy conservation laws and initiatives. That Pope and the current Pope must have a lot of money invested in the oil companies, could that be part of this rotten situation which is destroying the world today. Or do the Popes and the catholic church have a lot of money invested in Merck or a Merck competitor.

Which brings me to my next point and suspicion of Gov. Perry's motives. Has he decided to ignore the radical religious right wing that continues to endorse and support the rethuglikkkan party and make a law which commands the use of this drug not because Perry, one of the 'end timers' and 'dark siders' but because Mr. Perry is beholden(bought and owned) to one of his and the rethug party's main benefactors and sources of almost unlimited money, namely, the Big Pharma Cos.

Have you a 'dark side' repub as nearly all rethugs are suddenly and mysteriously become enlightened, as least on this one issue, or have you given up your publicly stated religious agenda which you want to force on everyone else because you got a call from the drug company Merck and sold yourself to that other devil that you and all rethugs dance with and who owns your soul.

Which is it Rick.

And finally whatever you do Rick please stay out of the Whitehouse alng with your friend Jeb Bush of the Bush Family and their house of corrupt politics because America, the Middle East and the world cannot survive much more of you, the Pope, Jerry Falwell or Pat Robertson. We know you are driven by Big Religion, Big Business and Big Neocons. Why don't you all move to Paraguay along with the Bush Family and live with your friends the catholics, catholic nazis and take all the repugs and catholic repugs with you. There are lots of WWII nazis still in that part of the world who will join you in torturing others just as your friend George Bush is doing here in what was once our America but is now his America.

You all belong together.

The rest of us need to get on with the business of correcting the damage you and your religious friends have done and it will take us probably twenty years or more, and more if you count in the catholic SCOTUS that the POTUS has brought down upon us.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


Molly Ivins, died January 31, 2007

America has lost one it's greatest, my hero Molly Ivins who died of breast cancer yesterday, Wednesday, January 31, 2007 at the age of only 62.. She was one of my greatest heros in this time of America's greatest need for her. No one can replace her or step into her shoes. She was incomparable and indomitable. She was without a doubt a journalist's journalist.

Never has America had a more valorous and courageous citizen and a hero in the truest and deepest sense of the word. As I sit here with tears dripping down my face my sense of loss and grief are profound. Never in my life have I felt this intense amount of grief and loss. I knew her only through her writings but my sense of loss is painful, physically painful.

Molly Ivins was an inspiration of enormous proportion. Molly was only 62 and had so much more to give. She should have and deserved to live for another thirty years at least. And We, I, America needed her for decades more. She is , and in my mind will always be irreplaceable. There is no one on this planet I admire more, she was among the few at the top of my very short list of the most admirable Americans.

America has lost both a daughter and a mother. Without a doubt Molly Ivins was one of God's finest children on this planet. We in America are deeply in her debt.

Thank God for the life and times of Molly Ivins. I will mourn her for a very long time and mourn no one to a greater extent than Molly Ivins.

America has lost a daughter and citizen of incalculable greatness. She is among the greatest of our heroes.

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